Ấn phẩm Kiểm Toán Nội Bộ

Internal Audit Publications


Law in business


Doing Business in Vietnam


Kiểm Toán Nội Bộ

Tax Publications


Risk and Operation Advisory

Are you looking for advice and support in: Overall Risk Management System Corporate Governance Procedures and Policies StandardizationRead more

Financial Advisory

Are you looking for advice and support for financial matters of the following transactions?: Corporate Valuation? Asset Valuation?Read more

Business Advisory

Are you looking for advice and support in: Market entries in Vietnam or abroad ? Merge and AcquisitionRead more

Transfer Pricing Services

Are you looking for advice and support for the transfer pricing issues as hereunder?  You are worrying aboutRead more

Payroll Outsourcing

Are you looking for the outsourcing service which helps you to take care of transactions regarding staff’s payroll?Read more

Kế Toán


Are you considering the following demands? Outsource accounting & tax works to focus on core business activities whileRead more